Extended DISC®
Personal Analysis

I have been working successfully with Extended DISC since 2011.

Extended DISC® describes the person’s natural reaction mode or behavioural style in different situations. It enables the person to better understand one’s own and other’s behaviour and to adjust one’s own behaviour to better suit the situation.  It also assists in avoiding unnecessary problems in communication.

What makes this Personal Analysis different from other assessments is that it is able to measure at a deeper unconscious level to exclude the impact of the environment. In practice this means that the results show who the individual actually is and not what the person thinks he/she needs to be in the existing environment.


Benefits of Extended DISC® :

Effective motivation and leadership tool
Employee development by providing an assessment of behavioural style
Enhanced Communication
How they influence your perceptions

The idea is to understand the different behavioural styles, to identify our own style, and to make appropriate adjustments in our style to achieve desired results.

It is based on the premise that there are no good or bad people – there are only different people.  We all have the opportunity to improve ourselves by learning to recognise our strengths and development areas, by accepting their existence, and by searching for new ways to capitalise on them.

Extended DISC Debrief Session Includes:

Report and a 2 hour debrief session with an actionable plan going forward

Investment €595.00

Find out more on this programme please contact